What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

Well, at this point I still have a day job, so I do that. Hobby wise, I like yarny things (knitting, spinning, crochet), cross stitch/embroidery and sewing. Since 2014 I’ve been playing with sketching and watercolours which I love a lot.

I also like to cook. Baking in particular. My Dad’s dad was a baker so I blame him for my love of flour and yeast and butter and sugar. If you’re interested in crafty stuff I post stuff on Instagram and my FB pages). I also recently started an Instagram just for my art. I like photography and would like to do more of that. I go to the ballet.

Currently I don’t do enough exercise but when I do, I like to walk, do pilates, swim and occasionally attempt yoga via the internet. I read a lot (but not as much as I used to). I play cat butler to my kitty. I hang out with friends, try not to spend too much time on the internet, make bad attempts at gardening and watch a lot of TV and movies (story junkie!).

Posted in: About M.J.

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