What’s a beta reader?
Someone who reads the book (before it goes through the final editing processes) to give feedback on it to me.
How does it work?
When I have a book ready for feedback, I would contact you to make sure you can read in the timeframe I need.
I provide you a copy of the book in ebook form (ePub or mobi via BookFunnel). I would also provide a list of general or specific questions for you to think about while reading and tell you the timeframe for feedback. The book will not have gone through final editing, so you need to have some tolerance for typos or copy editing errors in your reading material. You may point these out in your feedback but you don’t have to. A beta read is more about how the book/plot/characters are working.
You need to read the book and provide the feedback in a week via email. I may ask you to clarify something via email.
To say thank you, I’ll give you a free copy of the e-book when it’s released.
Sounds good, how do I sign up?
As I mentioned in my newsletter, I only need a couple of US beta readers right now but will keep a waitlist for future. Right now, I am looking for people who have read The Shattered Court.
There are a couple of conditions you accept if you agree to beta read for me:
You must be 18 or over.
You must be able to sideload a file to your eReader (BookFunnel provides technical support for this but I can’t).
You agree to meet the timeframe I set out when I send you the book to be read. This will generally be to provide feedback within a week of me letting you know the book is available.
You agree not to copy, sell, share or otherwise distribute the manuscript you receive to anyone else and to not share details of the plot/storyline or other details of the book with anyone before it is released.
You will provide me with an email address to receive books via BookFunnel.
While it is likely I will use beta readers for future books, it is not guaranteed that you will be asked to read for all future books if you read for one.
If all this sounds good then please use the contact form to let me know (or email mel @ mjscott.net with Beta Reader application as the subject line).
In your email, please tell me a little about yourself and what you like to read, whether or not you’ve read The Shattered Court, if you beta read for any other authors, the email address where you want to be contacted and will be using to download books (if these are different to the email address you use for your initial email) and include a statement that you agree to the terms and conditions.
Then what?
I will be in touch with everyone who contacts me to let you know if you’ve been successful or not.
Thank you!