Hello, lovely reader, I’m looking for your help. I have a small Advanced Review Team (ART) and looking for a few more people who are interested in joining.

What’s an Advanced Review Team?

Well, I’m glad you asked that! It’s a small group of readers who receive a free copy of my books a little early in exchange for an HONEST review (I want honest reviews, I need the people reading reviews to figure out if the book is going to work for them.)
How does it work?

At the moment I’m looking for new members of the team. I will set up a waitlist for anyone who applies but isn’t successful with a view to (maybe) expanding the team in the future or needing to replace people who may drop out.

1. You apply using the form below (which means you’ve read all the detail and accept the terms and conditions)
2. I will contact successful applicants in December. If you don’t hear back from me, then you have been placed on the waitlist.
3. I notify you when the Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs) of the book are available and you download the book via Book Funnel. This will generally be about a week or two before I have a new release.
4. You read the book and post a review of the book on both Amazon and Goodreads within 10 days of release date. You are welcome to post reviews on other sites you use such as Apple Books, Kobo, Nook etc but this is not required. The Amazon and Goodreads reviews are required.
5. You let me know when your reviews are posted via email.

Tell me more

Potential reviewers will be selected by M.J. Scott. If you have previously reviewed one an M.J. Scott book please provide a link to the review.
The ARCs will be delivered via BookFunnel in ePub or mobi (kindle) format. You must be able to sideload the books onto your eReader. Book Funnel provides support for this. I cannot provide support for this.

Amazon has instructions on how to email a mobi file to your device or desktop here.

Amazon has instructions on how to transfer a file from your computer to your device here.

There’s a tutorial on how to load an ePub file to your iPad here.

Each download link will work only once, so you need to be familiar with where your computer stores downloaded files. The link will also expire at the end of the 10 day period. If you cannot download within the 10 days, just wait for the next release.

You must have an Amazon account and a Goodreads account. These are both free to set up. Set up an Amazon account here (you may also set up on for you local Amazon site) or Goodreads account here.

As stated above you must post your review within 10 days on Amazon and Goodreads. Other reviews are optional but also welcome. You will receive a reminder email before the ten days are up.

All reviews must include the statement ‘I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.’ This is required by the Federal Trade Commission.

As the ART is for my newsletter subscribers, you must be signed up to my newsletter. You can subscribe using the link in the sidebar if you’re not a newsletter subscriber.

If you download the ARC but do not leave a review within 10 days, you will lose your place on the team. If you know you won’t be able to complete the review for a current release, don’t download the ARC, just wait for the next release and you will keep your place on the team. If you download the ARC and life stuff TM happens that means you can’t complete the review in time, please email me mel @ mjscott.net and let me know.

The ratings of your review will not influence your status on the team. Failing to leave a review will.

The ARC is for your use only and you cannot share, upload, sell or distribute it to anyone by any means. This would be piracy and is illegal. ARC files are trackable.


By submitting your information via the form below, and agreeing to join the Advanced Review Team (ART) if informed that your application is successful, you agree that:

1. You are at least 18 years of age, and legally able to accept ARC’s for review.

2. You are willing to receive new M.J Scott books from the author via email free of charge. Being a member of the ART does not guarantee that you will receive all future M.J. Scott releases. It also does not guarantee you will receive any backlist books or backlist books/future releases written under any other pen name.

3. You are willing to share with the author your basic information (real name, email address, Goodreads page, Amazon Page, link to a previous review). This information will not be shared. Your email address will be added to an ART newsletter list in order to provide you with ARC download links, and reminders regarding the ten day review terms.

4. You will not pass on, upload online, share, copy or distribute in any format the ARC files or content you receive.

5. You will post reviews online at Amazon (required) and Goodreads (required) within ten (10) days of receiving the book. Leaving reviews at other sites is optional.

6. In order to comply with Federal Trade Commission requirements you will include the following statement in all reviews posted,‘I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.’

7. You will provide a link to your Amazon and Goodreads review to the author so that your compliance with the requirements can be verified. Links can be sent to mel @ mjscott.net or via the contact form on this website.

8. You accept that non-compliance with the time-limits for reviews will result in your removal from the team without notice except where (a) you did not download the ARC (b) you informed the author that you would be unable to complete the review after downloading the ARC. The author retains discretion over decisions in relation to team status in these circumstances.

9. You accept that no technical support will be provided by M.J Scott or any member of her team. Members of the ART are responsible for loading files onto their select reading devices. Only MOBI or EPUB files will be provided. However, download support is offered by BookFunnel.

10. Terms of membership may change at any time. We may end the advanced review team at any time.

11. New sign ups and wait-listed readers will ONLY be contacted if a spot opens up.

I’ve read all that and it’s all good. How do I sign up?

Please fill out the form below. Team members will be chosen by the author at her discretion.
If successful you will receive a welcome email from me. Please do not contact the author if you have not received an email, you have been waitlisted if you have not been contacted.

If successful, your email address will be uploaded to a ART newsletter list, where you will receive emails regarding the links to new ARC’S for review, and a follow-up email to let you know the ten days is coming up.

Good luck!

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