We had a very mild autumn in Australia (in fact, weirdly warm is a better description). But as soon as June arrived, so did Winter, making it extra hard to adjust to my least favorite time of year. It’s been an up and down couple of months. I lost one of my cats to cancer and there has been odd life stuff going on. So I have been trying to write in between everything but am a bit behind schedule. I am working on The Forbidden Heir, the sequel to The Shattered Court and hopefully will have the cover to share soon. Next month I’m off to San Diego for the Romance Writers of America conference (The Shattered Court is a finalist in the Best Paranormal Romance category of the RITA awards) so it will be extra exciting (and nervewracking).
In other news, the evil twin has a new book out, so go check that out if you’re a romance fan, a baseball fan or both. Her next book, Playing Fast, is out in August, so you can pre-order that one too.
Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter in the sidebar if you want to keep up with all the news. Newsletter subscribers get sneak peeks at covers and excerpts and exclusive giveaways!
If you want more of my books, all four books in the Half-Light City series – Shadow Kin and Blood Kin, Iron Kin and Fire Kin are available right there on the shelves (real or digital) from many places. Buy links available on my books page.You can get a taste of the Half-Light City via the excerpts on each book’s page. Ditto The Wolf Within and The Dark Side the first two books in The Wild Side trilogy. (There’s also a free prequel short story The Day You Went Away for the Wild Side series.) If you stick around here you can learn a little about me and my books, and check out some of my favorite writers and writing links. For even more about me check out the FAQs. You can find out what my evil twin writes here.
This site is currently updated once a month or so (more often as exciting news hits). For more frequent updates visit my blog where I’ll be talking about what happens with my writing, my life and whatever else catches my attention. You can get in touch with me here. I’m always out about on the internet and my social media links are in the sidebar, so say like/follow/etc and say hi. Happy reading!