Happy February. January whizzed by which means only two months until Iron Kin is out! Yay! To celebrate, I’ve posted the first part of chapter one. More to follow over the next two months. Also, I have ARCs, so keep your eye on the blog from giveaway. Otherwise it’s heads down and into writing Fire Kin and looking forward to going to the Australian Romance Readers Convention at the end of this month. (Don’t forget, ARRA members can vote for Blood Kin in the Favourite Sci-Fi, Fantasy or Futuristic Romance and Best Cover in the Australian Romance Readers Association Awards for 2012. Also, if you haven’t yet tried the Half-Light City, now’s a good time to catch up as you won’t have long to wait for the next book (sneaky)!
Don’t forget Shadow Kin and Blood Kin available right there on the shelves (real or digital) from many places. Buy links available on my books page. More to be added as I find ’em.You can get a taste of the Half-Light City via the excerpts on each book’s page. If you stick around here you can learn a little about me and my books, and check out some of my favorite writers and writing links. For even more about me check out the FAQs. You can find out what my evil twin writes here.
This site is currently updated once a month or so (more often as exciting news hits). For more frequent updates visit my blog where I’ll be talking about what happens with my writing, my life and whatever else catches my attention. You can get in touch with me here. If you want my irregular updates and book release announcements, you can join my mailing list using the form in the sidebar. Happy reading!