It’s officially nine in the morning New York time, so I’m declaring it to be Book Day and that Shadow Kin is officially launched into the wild. Yippeeeee!
To celebrate, I’ve just posted the winners of the blog giveaway (and sent out the newsletter giveaway announcement to my newsletter peeps!). Check out the appearances page with both book launch details and where I’ll be popping up on the internet over the next few weeks to celebrate Shadow Kin’s release.
Don’t forget Shadow Kin is now available right there on the shelves (real or digital) from many places. Buy links available on my books page. More to be added as I find ’em. If you stick around here you can learn a little about me and my books, and check out some of my favorite writers and writing links. For even more about me check out the FAQs.
This site is currently updated once a month or so (more often as exciting news hits). For more frequent updates visit my blog where I’ll be talking about what happens between getting the call and the book hitting the shelves, writing and whatever else catches my attention. You can get in touch with me here. If you want my irregular updates and book release announcements, you can join my mailing list using the form in the sidebar. Happy reading!